June 17, 2012

Weekly photos #10

Hello guys! I just have two more finals and then I'm done!! :) My last one is the 22nd, so that means that next week I'll (hopefully) have more interesting photos to show you. But for now, this is what I have:

1. I went to Starbucks after one of my finals and I was going to get my usual caramel frapuccino, but they had a new one that I ended up getting, called Mocha Cookie Crumble (I think). It was great but to me it just tasted like the regular chocolate frapuccino with coffee.
2. I finally ordered my Naked 2 palette!! :) I'm very excited about this. For a long time I was debating whether to get it or not and I finally got it. Just like the original Naked, it is a great palette with a bunch of really pigmented neutral eyeshadows. I recommend it to you if you like to wear eyeshadow everyday and like to try different colors, but if you only wear eyeshadow every once in a while, I'd tell you not to get it, since the colors are pretty similar to the ones on the original Naked.
3. I'm gonna post a nail of the day this week but I wanted to show you this neon color. I couldn't capture the real color on my nails with my iphone so I took a picture of the cotton pads. It is "flip flop fantasy" from China Glaze, if you're wondering.
4. I got new sheets for my bed from Zara Home, and that's what they look like. I really like the pattern and the color and it looks really nice in my room, since my walls are light pink.

Have a great week! :)


  1. That Starbucks drink looks amazing! x

  2. I don't drink coffee, but that frapuccino looks delish!


  3. I love the caramel frapuccinos! I really like your blog! Please check out mine. It would make my day if you followed it!

