May 20, 2012

Weekly photos #6

Once again, I haven't done much this week. I'm still stresses out (just a little) with college work and I got sick for a couple of days.

1. I got these rings from ASOS and they're my favorite. I'm so in love with them because I can create a ton of different ones out of the 6 that the pack came with. I'll show them in a haul next week along with more ASOS stuff.
2. Spring is finally here and I can wear my flats and all of my cute spring clothes.
3. Aren't these shower gel bottles cute? I saw them the other day and I wanted to buy them haha but I didn't.
4. Remember what I said about being spring, warm and almost summer? Well, it rained yesterday...and a lot. I don't know what's wrong but it's pretty cold again. Hopefully it'll change back in a couple of days because this weather is confusing.

This is going to be all for today. I'm sorry it's not a lot, but I'm not feeling well. I'll be ok in a few days so I'll post real soon.
Thank you all so much :)



  1. Love those rings and the disney princesses! Xx

  2. Those rings reminds me of Bethany (macbabrbie07, if you know)it's so cute! :) would you like to follow each other? :)

  3. Those rings are gorgeous!! xo
